Legal Notices


1801 McGill College Ave.
Suite 800
Montreal, Quebec H3A 2N4

TPS : 81173 6313 RT0001 - TVQ : 1217691351 TQ0001

OVH HEBERGEMENT INC is a subsidiary of OVH Groupe SA, a company registered with the Lille company registry under the number 537 407 926 sise 2, rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix.


Website terms and conditions of use 

The website and the content of the site, including without limitation the trademarks, logos, icons, infographics and photos, are protected under intellectual property law. The website content is owned by OVH and other companies. Any partial or full reproduction or representation of the website or its components by any process whatsoever, for any purposes whatsoever, is prohibited without the express consent of OVH.

Other trademarks and logos appearing on the website are the exclusive property of third parties and OVH assumes no rights to these. They are subject to intellectual property rights. You may not use or reproduce these partners’ trademarks without their express consent, please refer to the different directives of the third parties regarding usage of these trademarks.


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